Patents for E04H 17 - Fencing, e.g. fences, enclosures, corrals (11,373)
07/01/1975 Power Station Valve Gost Valve Russian Standard Valve gate v Fence structure
07/01/1975 DN 15-200mm Flanged Globe Valve globe valve manufacturer Method of constructing a board-type fence
06/26/1975 An introduction to the guest blogging platform Schutzwand / gartenzaun aus profilierten tafeln Protection wall / garden fence panels made of profiled
06/24/1975 Guest blogging Link chain support post
06/24/1975 US3890751 Post hole block
06/19/1975 DE2360478A1 Schutzwand - gartenzaun aus profilierten tafeln Protection wall - garden fence panels made of profiled
05/13/1975 US3883120 Monolithic dasher-board for skating rinks
05/13/1975 CA967605A1 Metal apparatus in particular a metal platform tennis court
05/06/1975 US3881690 Fence stretcher
04/30/1975 DE2449919A1 Spannvorrichtung Jig
04/17/1975 DE2448580A1 Vorgefertigtes gelaender mit einer einrichtung zum verbinden der gelaenderstreben mit einer schiene Prefabricated binge with a device to connect the gelaenderstreben with a rail
04/15/1975 US3877140 Method of manufacturing a fence of thermoplastic pickets with embedded wire connecting links
04/01/1975 US3874640 Wire support for use in installing wire to a fence post
03/25/1975 US3872747 Hand tool for installing wire fabric fence clamps
03/20/1975 DE2443929A1 Gelaender mit einer einrichtung zum verbinden der gelaenderstreben mit einer schiene Railing with a device to connect the gelaenderstreben with a rail
02/11/1975 US3865349 Fence dropper
02/11/1975 CA962425A1 Modular partition arrangement
02/04/1975 US3863899 Removable guard rail
01/21/1975 US3861247 Wire fence connector
01/21/1975 US3861084 Fence structure
01/09/1975 DE2428391A1 Zaun Fence
01/02/1975 DE2328369A1 Profil-elemente zum gestalten, abgrenzen und abdecken von flaechen und raeumen To make profile elements, define and cover of land and evacuate
12/03/1974 US3851362 Expanded mesh
11/19/1974 US3848855 Tubing connection
11/12/1974 US3847489 Novel fastener device
10/29/1974 US3844539 Hockey rink construction
10/24/1974 DE2416439A1 Schalldaempfende abschirmwand Schalldaempfende shielding
10/17/1974 DE2412773A1 Demontierbar aufstellbare absperrung aus kunststoff Demountable deployable barricade plastic
10/08/1974 US3839834 Modular partition arrangement
09/03/1974 US3833201 Fence post brace bracket
08/01/1974 DE2304050A1 Drahthalter zum befestigen von draehten an pfosten Wire holder to attach wires to post
07/23/1974 US3825228 Wire stretcher
07/11/1974 DE2300104A1 Maschendrahtzaun Chain link fence
07/09/1974 US3822864 Weed barrier for fencing
07/09/1974 US3822850 Support for construction fence
07/02/1974 US3822053 Tubular picket fence
06/28/1974 US3820909 Fence fittings
06/25/1974 US3818658 Wall module
06/12/1974 DE2345764A1 Zaun fuer beete, gaerten und aehnliches Fence for beets and palaces similar
06/11/1974 US3815877 Fence panel construction
06/11/1974 US3815875 Portable stake remover
06/06/1974 DE2353941A1 Aus kunststoff bestehende leitplanke oder absperrung Plastic or existing guardrail barricade
06/04/1974 US3814384 Insulator and support for electrically charged fence wires
05/16/1974 DE2355670A1 Leuchtzaun Light Fence
05/07/1974 US3809371 Tension band
05/02/1974 DE2352173A1 Zaun Fence
04/23/1974 US3806096 Fence trim and vegetation barrier
04/23/1974 US3806095 Ascension barricade for chain link fence structures
04/18/1974 DE2249696A1 Schneezaun Snow Fence
04/16/1974 US3804374 Twin post railing system
04/11/1974 DE2249116A1 Zaungitter mit parallelen zaunstaeben Fence mesh with parallel zaunstaeben
04/02/1974 US3801072 Fence panel
03/26/1974 US3799506 Fence
03/14/1974 DE2244126A1 Einsinkschutz Bear paws
02/28/1974 DE2342308A1 Verfahren und vorrichtung zur herstellung von streckmaterial, insbesondere streckmetall A method and apparatus for producing stretched material, in particular expanded metal
02/21/1974 DE2338879A1 Gelaenderelement Gelaenderelement
01/31/1974 DE2235864A1 Schallschutzwand Soundproof wall
01/31/1974 DE2235287A1 Verfahren und vorrichtung zum anbringen von sicherheitsleitplanken an strassenraendern od. dgl Method and apparatus for attaching safety of guard rails on strassenraendern od etc
01/24/1974 DE2334620A1 Strassenmarkierung Road marking
01/24/1974 DE2231337A1 Duebelkrampe Duebelkrampe
01/17/1974 DE2229988A1 Zaunpfosten mit halteeinrichtungen zur befestigung von zaunfeldern Fence posts holding facilities for mounting of fence fields
01/15/1974 US3785619 Insulator and support for electrically charged fence wires
01/15/1974 US3785107 Post and post base assembly
01/08/1974 US3783953 Post driving apparatus
12/20/1973 DE2329018A1 Befestigung eines bahnenfoermigen materials an einem tragenden element Mounting a material on a supporting element bahnenfoermigen
12/20/1973 DE2228164A1 Gelaendeabsperrung Gelaendeabsperrung
12/18/1973 US3779516 Post puller
12/13/1973 DE2225879A1 Gittertafel fuer einfriedungszwecke Grid panel for fencing purposes
12/04/1973 US3776523 Structural tube assembly
12/04/1973 US3776522 Fence post construction
12/04/1973 US3776521 Portable safety railing
11/27/1973 US3774884 Plaque
11/20/1973 CA937227A1 Wire tightener
11/13/1973 US3771767 Fence structure with barbed wire extension
11/08/1973 DE2220683A1 Zaunpfosten Fence posts
11/06/1973 US3770246 Modular, unitary sectional, portable fence
11/06/1973 US3770245 Interlocking frame construction
10/30/1973 US3768780 Fence border
10/30/1973 US3768779 Tool for tensioning elongated tension members
10/23/1973 US3767167 Portable fence panel
10/18/1973 DE2316400A1 Vorrichtung fuer einen zaun, bestehend aus saeulen mit elektrischen leitern und einer hochspannungseinheit Device for a fence consisting of columns with electrical conductors and a high-voltage unit
10/04/1973 DE2214643A1 Gittertafel fuer zaeune Grid panel for fences are
10/04/1973 DE2214160A1 Rohrpfosten-gelaendeabsperrung Pipe Post gelaendeabsperrung
10/02/1973 US3762687 Post pulling apparatus
09/18/1973 US3759490 Electric fence extender
09/11/1973 US3758062 Multi-purpose stake
08/30/1973 DE2307164A1 Leichte umzaeunung Light fencing
08/30/1973 DE1709374B2 Gitterartiges einzelelement zum herstellen eines zauns Grid-like single element to produce a fence
08/23/1973 DE2207834A1 Zaun aus starren tafeln Fence panels of rigid
08/23/1973 DE2207833A1 Zaun Fence
08/21/1973 CA932186A1 Plastic fence post
08/16/1973 DE2206436A1 Uebersteigsicherung fuer mauern oder dgl Substantiate climbing over security for, or the like
08/09/1973 DE2229040A1 Widerstandsfaehiger, weitgehend aus kunststoff bestehender gitterzaun Widerstandsfaehiger, largely from existing plastic lattice fence
07/31/1973 US3749368 Hinged loop cap member
07/19/1973 DE2200570A1 Zaunbauelement Fence device
07/17/1973 US3745729 Platform tennis court
07/17/1973 CA930376A1 Substituted acid anilides
06/28/1973 DE2161307A1 Klammer fuer schneeschutzzaeune Bracket for schneeschutzzaeune
06/26/1973 US3741529 Trailer-borne horse corral
06/19/1973 US3740024 Reinforced post of synthetic plastic material