Stainless Steel Wire Rope Net

How to Attach Chicken Wire to Posts and Different Materials

Below you will find instructions on how to attach chicken wire to different posts and materials.


  • Estimated Completion Time: Depends on the amount and size of the posts
  • Experience Required: Low
  • Tools Required: Hammer
  • Materials Required: Chicken Wire, Staples, Cable Ties, Pegs


  • Staple the chicken wire loosely to the wooden posts at 15cm intervals.
  • The fence needs to be able to move on impact and temperature changes.



  • Use cable ties to attach the mesh to the metal posts at 15cm intervals.
  • You can cut off the excess plastic after the cable ties are in place.
  • Make sure not to overtighten the cable ties.



  • Take some pegs and push them into the ground, making sure that the hook catches the bottom of the chicken wire.
  • Place the pegs at even distances of about 60 centimeters apart.



  • You can lengthen an existing section of chicken wire by placing another section on top.
  • Use cable ties to join the overlapping sections.
  • You can cut off the excess plastic for an even finish.



  • You can use a staple gun for attaching the chicken wire to wooden posts, frames, doors or anything else made out of wood. This will make your job quicker and easier. 
  • Make sure to pull the mesh taut but don’t overstretch it when attaching to any material. Chicken wire is made up of thin wires and it has a hexagonal woven construction. Therefore, the holes can get easily distorted if pulled with too much force in one direction, damaging the netting and ruining its aesthetic.

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Kriszta is a creative problem solver, who likes to find out and share easy solutions for seemingly hard tasks, especially when it comes to fencing. View all posts by Kriszta

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