-45%   SALE  Time left:  
'; } liczba=data.hours; // +(data.days*24) if(liczba > 0) { opis=_lang['countdown-godzin']; text+='
'+padLeft(liczba, 2)+' '+opis+'
'; } liczba=data.min; if(data.sec == 60) liczba=1; if(liczba > 0) { opis=_lang['countdown-minut']; text+='
'+padLeft(liczba, 2)+' '+opis+'
'; } liczba=data.sec; if(data.sec == 60) liczba=0; opis=_lang['countdown-sekund']; text+='
'+padLeft(liczba, 2)+' '+opis+'
'; if(el.text() != text) { el.html(text); } } }); } });
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' + tmp_wys + 'in
' + tmp_szer + 'in
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' + wuklad.find('option:selected').html() + '
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var tmpWys = parseFloat($("span#maxWys").html()); } if (newMaxSzer > 0 && newMaxWys > 0) { if (newMaxSzer 0 && tmpWys > 0 && tmpSzer == maxWys && tmpWys == maxSzer) { maxSzer = tmpSzer; maxWys = tmpWys; jQuery("#obrotWym").attr("value", "1"); } } else { if (tmpSzer > 0 && tmpWys > 0 && tmpSzer == maxWys && tmpWys == maxSzer) { maxSzer = tmpSzer; maxWys = tmpWys; jQuery("#obrotWym").attr("value", "1"); } else if (jQuery("#obrotWym").val() == 0) { maxSzer = maxSzerSet; maxWys = maxWysSet; } } jQuery("span#maxSzer").html(maxSzer); jQuery("span#maxWys").html(maxWys); var rotate = jQuery("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value"); if (jQuery("#szerokosc").attr("value") != undefined) { var nonDef = false; if (jQuery("#szerokosc").attr("value") != "") { var product_x = $("#szerokosc").attr("value") * 1; } else var product_x = 0; if (jQuery("#wysokosc").attr("value") != "") { var product_y = $("#wysokosc").attr("value") * 1; } else var product_y = 0; if (lastRotate != rotate) { var tmp = product_y; product_y = product_x; product_x = tmp; jQuery("#szerokosc").attr("value", product_x); jQuery("#wysokosc").attr("value", product_y); lastRotate = rotate; } } else { var nonDef = true; var product_x = 0; var product_y = 0; // IND MYLO jQuery("#selAtrs select.selAtr").not('[id="wymSelect"]').find(":selected").each(function () { // IND MYLO var wartosc = jQuery(this).text(); var dane = wartosc.match(/([\d.]{1,})[ ]{0,1}x[ ]{0,1}([\d.]{1,})(.*)/); if (dane != undefined && dane != null && dane[0] != undefined && dane[0] != null) { jQuery(this).parent().attr("id", "zamWym"); px = parseFloat(dane[1].replace(/[^\d.]/, "")); py = parseFloat(dane[2].replace(/[^\d.]/, "")); } }); } var itemId = '26'; if (nonDef !== true) { if (product_x maxSzer) { jQuery("#szerokosc").attr("value", maxSzer); product_x = maxSzer; } if (product_y > maxWys) { jQuery("#wysokosc").attr("value", maxWys); product_y = maxWys; } } } else { var product_x = px; var product_y = py; if (jQuery("span#addSize input#nonDefSzer").length == 0) jQuery("span#addSize").append(''); if (jQuery("div#maxWymDiv").length == 0) { if (jQuery("#obrotWym").val() == 1 && tmpSzer > 0 && tmpWys > 0) { jQuery("#zamWym").parent().parent().append('
Maximum size (width x height): ' + tmpSzer + ' x ' + tmpWys + '
'); } else { jQuery("#zamWym").parent().parent().append('
Maximum size (width x height): ' + maxSzer + ' x ' + maxWys + '
'); } if (itemId == 24 || itemId == 26) { jQuery("#maxWymDiv").hide(); } if (jQuery("div#maxWymDiv").length == 1 && $("div.ruler").length == 0) { var s_etiObj = jQuery("div#maxWymDiv").closest('tr').find("td.etykieta"); var s_etiVal = s_etiObj.html(); var s_valObj = jQuery("div#maxWymDiv").parent(); var s_wuklObj = jQuery("#wuklad").closest('td'); if (s_wuklObj.length > 0) { s_wuklObj.parent().after('
'); var s_uklObj = jQuery("#uklad").closest('td'); s_uklObj.parent().before('
Choose a layout:
'); } else { var s_uklObj = jQuery("#uklad").closest('td'); if (s_uklObj.length > 0) { s_uklObj.parent().before('
Choose a layout:
'); s_uklObj.parent().after('
'); } else { s_valObj.parent().after('
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' + wymiaryObrocone + '
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    Poster: Steinmauer mit efeu

    Steinmauer mit efeu.
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    granite, ivy, hard, panorama, moss, stone, green, wall, page
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    Customer reviews
    Wow! I was blown away with the quality of this product! I used my own images for wall murals, and they look amazing! I wasn't sure what to expect quality wise, but I assure anyone with the same qualms, that the materials, image, coloring, you name it, are of the highest quality! Bravo myloview, you nailed it! Will definitely be coming back for more!
    Trent WintleAdded: 10.12.2021
    Perfect purchase. Good communication. Great price for product and the delivery was excellent, less than a fortnight to go across Europe and it got here safely. Packaged properly to prevent damage. Would recommend this seller, am very pleased with my picture!
    Alison McInnesAdded: 02.11.2021
    Great quality. Fast Service and great packaging! Definitely recommend!!
    Amy TuckerAdded: 13.09.2021
    Great quality. Vivid colours, very realistic. 
    SamAdded: 19.08.2021
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