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EZ Wire® is the patented "no nuts and bolts" security wire partition system designed to be the most economical and
secure system in the industry. The EZ Wire® hook-fastener system makes installation up to five times faster than
standard bolted systems. Secure storage is achieved through the strength of 10-Ga. woven wire panels and 2-1/2"
steel posts. Unlike bolted partitions, the system cannot be easily defeated with common hand tools.


Value Safe & Secure
The patented hook fastener
slips in easily and locks se-
curely into a 2-1/2" sq. post.
Once secured, the internal clip
is much more secure than a
standard bolted connection,
which may be accessed from
the outside. The hook fastener
is not visible or accessible from
the outside. The diamond wire
weave provides a built-in dia-
gonal brace for added strength
and security.
The complete EZ WIRE
system is easy to install,
rearrange or expand in
plant or warehouse areas
and in other commercial,
industrial and institutional
applications. With a variety
of sizes, styles and options
available, the EZ WIRE
non-progressive panel
system is the best value
in the industry.
STEP 2: Hammer Drive
Pin for a Secure connection.
STEP 1: Align Hooks
and Insert into slots.

1) Refer to the assembly configuration drawing below
    to understand what material you need to select to
    create your partition. Basically posts, panels, doors.

2) Make a simple one line sketch of your partition
    dimensions such as:                         --------------->
3) Use a post between all panels which are stacked
    to make your desired height. The panels can be
    selected in different lengths to make up the desired
    overall length of your partitions.
4) Use corner posts each time that your partition
    changes direction.

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Model # Description - L x H Lbs. Kit Lbs. Total Lbs. Price Ea.
 W01000-01000   PANEL, 1 X 1 3.00 0.04 3.04
 W01000-02000   PANEL, 1 X 2 4.84 0.04 4.88
 W01000-03000   PANEL, 1 X 3 6.67 0.04 6.71
 W01000-04000   PANEL, 1 X 4 8.50 0.04 8.54
 W01000-05000   PANEL, 1 X 5 10.34 0.04 10.38
 W02000-01000   PANEL, 2 X 1 5.79 0.04 5.83
 W02000-02000   PANEL, 2 X 2 8.24 0.04 8.28
 W02000-03000   PANEL, 2 X 3 10.68 0.04 10.72
 W02000-04000   PANEL, 2 X 4 13.12 0.04 13.16
 W02000-05000   PANEL, 2 X 5 15.57 0.04 15.61
 W03000-01000   PANEL, 3 X 1 8.24 0.04 8.28
 W03000-02000   PANEL, 3 X 2 11.29 0.04 11.33
 W03000-03000   PANEL, 3 X 3 14.34 0.04 14.38
 W03000-04000   PANEL, 3 X 4 17.40 0.04 17.44
 W03000-05000   PANEL, 3 X 5 20.45 0.04 20.49
 W04000-01000   PANEL, 4 X 1 10.68 0.04 10.72
 W04000-02000   PANEL, 4 X 2 14.35 0.04 14.39
 W04000-03000   PANEL, 4 X 3 18.01 0.04 18.05
 W04000-04000   PANEL, 4 X 4 21.67 0.04 21.71
 W04000-05000   PANEL, 4 X 5 25.34 0.04 25.38
 W05000-01000   PANEL, 5 X 1 13.13 0.04 13.17
 W05000-02000   PANEL, 5 X 2 17.40 0.04 17.44
 W05000-03000   PANEL, 5 X 3 21.67 0.04 21.71
 W05000-04000   PANEL, 5 X 4 25.95 0.04 25.99
 W05000-05000   PANEL, 5 X 5 30.22 0.04 30.26
 W06000-01000   PANEL, 6 X 1 16.18 0.04 16.22
 W06000-02000   PANEL, 6 X 2 21.76 0.04 21.80
 W06000-03000   PANEL, 6 X 3 24.59 0.04 24.63
 W06000-04000   PANEL, 6 X 4 32.91 0.04 32.95
 W06000-05000   PANEL, 6 X 5 38.49 0.04 38.53
 W07000-01000   PANEL, 7 X 1 18.62 0.04 18.66
 W07000-02000   PANEL, 7 X 2 24.81 0.04 24.85
 W07000-03000   PANEL, 7 X 3 31.00 0.04 31.04
 W07000-04000   PANEL, 7 X 4 37.19 0.04 37.23
 W07000-05000   PANEL, 7 X 5 43.38 0.04 43.42
 W08000-01000   PANEL, 8 X 1 21.07 0.04 21.11
 W08000-02000   PANEL, 8 X 2 27.87 0.04 27.91
 W08000-03000   PANEL, 8 X 3 34.67 0.04 34.71
 W08000-04000   PANEL, 8 X 4 41.46 0.04 41.50
 W08000-05000   PANEL, 8 X 5 48.26 0.04 48.30
 W09000-01000   PANEL, 9 X 1 23.51 0.04 23.55
 W09000-02000   PANEL, 9 X 2 30.92 0.04 30.96
 W09000-03000   PANEL, 9 X 3 38.33 0.04 38.37
 W09000-04000   PANEL, 9 X 4 45.74 0.04 45.78
 W09000-05000   PANEL, 9 X 5 53.15 0.04 53.19
 W10000-01000   PANEL, 10 X 1 25.96 0.04 26.00
 W10000-02000   PANEL, 10 X 2 33.98 0.04 34.02
 W10000-03000   PANEL, 10 X 3 42.00 0.04 42.04
 W10000-04000   PANEL, 10 X 4 50.01 0.04 50.05
 W10000-05000   PANEL, 10 X 5 53.36 0.04 53.40
 W2203000-08000   DOOR, 3X8, SW 54.79 1.70 56.49
 W2203000-10000   DOOR, 3X10, SW 60.84 1.70 62.54
 W2204000-08000   DOOR, 4X8, SW 56.83 1.70 58.53
 W2204000-10000   DOOR, 4X10, SW 64.10 1.70 65.80
W3203000-08000 DOOR, 3X8, DUTCH DOOR HLSO
Model # Description - L x H Lbs. Kit Lbs. Total Lbs. Price Ea.
 W5206000-08000   DOOR, 6X8, DBL SLIDE 97.13 25.29 122.42
 W5206000-10000   DOOR, 6X10, DBL SLIDE 112.48 25.29 137.77
 W5208000-08000   DOOR, 8X8, DBL SLIDE 117.36 25.29 142.65
 W5208000-10000   DOOR, 8X10, DBL SLIDE 135.14 25.29 160.43
 W5210000-08000   DOOR, 10X8, DBL SLIDE 137.59 25.29 162.88
 W5210000-10000   DOOR, 10X10, DBL SLIDE 157.81 25.29 183.10
 W5403000-08000   DOOR, 3X8, SINGLE SLIDE 49.46 19.76 69.22
 W5403000-10000   DOOR, 3X10, SINGLE SLIDE 56.87 19.76 76.63
 W5404000-08000   DOOR, 4X8, SINGLE SLIDE 56.27 19.76 76.03
 W5404000-10000   DOOR, 4X10, SINGLE SLIDE 64.90 19.76 84.66
 W5405000-08000   DOOR, 5X8, SINGLE SLIDE 66.38 19.76 86.14
 W5405000-10000   DOOR, 5X10, SINGLE SLIDE 76.24 19.76 96.00
 W5406000-08000   DOOR, 6X8, SINGLE SLIDE 95.25 21.71 116.95
 W5406000-10000   DOOR, 6X10, SINGLE SLIDE 109.91 21.71 131.62
 W5408000-08000   DOOR, 8X8, SINGLE SLIDE 117.19 21.71 138.90
 W5408000-10000   DOOR, 8X10, SINGLE SLIDE 134.29 21.71 156.00
 W5410000-08000   DOOR, 10X8, SINGLE SLIDE 139.13 21.71 160.84
 W5410000-10000   DOOR, 10 X 10, SINGLE SLIDE 158.67 21.71 180.38
 W6608   PANEL, EZ WIRE 1'X8' FILL-A-GAP 16.05 0.15 16.20
 W6610   PANEL,EZ WIRE 1'X10' FILL-A-GAP 20.75 0.15 20.90
 5603   POST, CORNER, 3' 6.83 0.61 7.44
 5604   POST, CORNER, 4' 8.81 0.61 9.42
 5605   POST, CORNER, 5' 10.80 0.61 11.41
 5606   POST, CORNER, 6' 12.79 0.61 13.40
 5607   POST, CORNER, 7' 14.77 0.61 15.38
 5608   POST, CORNER, 8' 16.76 0.61 17.37
 5609   POST, CORNER, 9' 18.74 0.61 19.35
 5610   POST, CORNER, 10' 20.73 0.61 21.34
 5611   POST, CORNER, 11' 22.72 0.61 23.33
 5612   POST, CORNER, 12' 24.70 0.61 25.31
 5113   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 13' 27.58 0.61 28.19
 5114   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 14' 29.85 0.61 30.46
 5115   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 15' 31.85 0.61 32.46
 5116   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 16' 34.40 0.61 35.01
 5117   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 17' 36.23 0.61 36.84
 5118   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 18' 38.10 0.61 38.71
 5119   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 19' 40.07 0.61 40.68
 5120   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 20' 42.39 0.61 43.00
 5121   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 21' 44.74 0.61 45.35
 5122   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 22' 46.36 0.61 46.97
 5123   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 23' 48.71 0.61 49.32
 5124   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 24' 50.68 0.61 51.29
 5125   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 25' 52.59 0.61 53.20
 5126   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 26' 54.65 0.61 55.26
 5127   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 27' 56.99 0.61 57.60
 5128   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 28' 58.90 0.61 59.51
 5129   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 29' 60.89 0.61 61.50
 5130   POST, ADJUSTABLE CORNER, 30' 62.87 0.61 63.48
 5503   POST, LINE, 3' 8.50 0.61 9.11
 5504   POST, LINE, 4' 10.52 0.61 11.13
 5505   POST, LINE, 5' 12.54 0.61 13.15
 5506   POST, LINE, 6' 14.56 0.61 15.17
 5507   POST, LINE, 7' 16.58 0.61 17.19
 5508   POST, LINE, 8' 18.60 0.61 19.21
 5508W   POST, 3-WAY, 8' 26.50 0.61 27.11
 5509   POST, LINE, 9' 20.62 0.61 21.23
 5510   POST, LINE, 10' 22.64 0.61 23.25
 5510W   POST, 3-WAY, 10' 32.53 0.61 33.14
 5511   POST, LINE, 11' 24.66 0.61 25.27
 5512   POST, LINE, 12' 26.68 0.61 27.29
 5513   POST, LINE, 13' 28.70 0.61 29.31
 5514   POST, LINE, 14' 30.72 0.61 31.33
 5515   POST, LINE, 15' 32.74 0.61 33.35
 5516   POST, LINE, 16' 34.76 0.61 35.37
 5517   POST, LINE, 17' 36.78 0.61 37.39
 5518   POST, LINE, 18' 38.80 0.61 39.41
 5519   POST, LINE, 19' 40.82 0.61 41.43
 5520   POST, LINE, 20' 42.84 0.61 43.45
 5521   POST, LINE, 21' 44.86 0.61 45.47
 5522   POST, LINE, 22' 46.88 0.61 47.49
 5523   POST, LINE, 23' 48.90 0.61 49.51
 5524   POST, LINE, 24' 50.92 0.61 51.53
 5525   POST, LINE, 25' 52.94 0.61 53.55
 5526   POST, LINE, 26' 54.90 0.61 55.51
 5527   POST, LINE, 27' 56.98 0.61 57.59
 5528   POST, LINE, 28' 59.00 0.61 59.61
 5529   POST, LINE, 29' 61.02 0.61 61.63
 5530   POST, LINE, 30' 63.04 0.61 63.65
 H1000C   CUT-OUT KIT, 3' SECTION 1.85 0.00 1.85
 H6620   SERVICE WINDOW, DROP SHELF 24.33 0.06 24.39
 H6621   SLIDE UP WINDOW 38.00 0.06 38.06

Patented hook design slips
in easily and locks into place
Aluminum drive pin is tapped
into place for permanent
installation, which can be
accessed from the inside only.
Diamond Wire Weave
A 1-1/2" diamond wire
weave is standard in
each EZ Wire partition,
door and window.
Diagonal Bracing is not
Clinched Wire
All woven wire is
clinched - not welded
- into partition frames.
This technique insures
greater strength and
enhanced appearance.
2-1/2" Tubular Posts
16 gauge 2-1/2" sq.
tubular posts yield
double the strength
of 2" sq. tubing.
Perimeter support members
are attached to the partition
using self-threading screws.
Ceiling panels are attached
without bolts. 2-1/2" tubing
is attached between rows
of ceiling panels.
Corner Post
EZ Wire corner posts create
smooth, 90° turns in partitio-
ning. Partitions attach to the
inside for added security.
"C" Type Frame Bars
Both sides of these frame
bars have a smooth finish
with no rough, unsightly
welds. Hook fastener is
not visible nor accessible
from the outside.
Over Channel
Used to securely
seat together upper
panels to lower
panels - eliminating
the need for bolting


All windows have padlock hasps to provide for additional security.
Service windows are installed at the factory.
Slide Up Window Drop Shelf Window
Constructed of wire mesh with an opening
measuring 24" wide x 21" high. The window
is equipped with slide bolts which can latch the
window in either the opened or closed position.
The fixed steel shelf measures 24" wide x
12" deep.
Opening measures 24" wide x 15" high. The
window is hinged at the bottom and swings up to close.


EZ Wire® hinged doors are functional and
secure with heavy duty hinges and avariety of styles.
Single Swing Door Double Swing Door Hinged Dutch Door
Available in widths of 3 and 4 feet
with a height of 7 feet. If installed
in a partition higher than 7 feet,
a transom panel is included to
fill the space above the door.
Made for opening width of 6 or 8 feet,
with heights of 7, 8, 9, and 10 feet.
Available in widths of 3 feet with
a height of 7 feet. If installed
in a partition higher than 7 feet,
a transom panel is included to fill
the space above the door. Top
and bottom sections are hinged
separately. Door sections lock
together for single door operation.


EZ Wire® sliding doors may slide left or right and may be
mounted either inside or outside of the partitioning.
Single Sliding Door
Full height single sliding doors are available for the full height of stock partitions. Doors 6' or wider are shipped "knocked down" in 2 sections.
Lock Options
All doors have a bronze cylinder lock or a padlock
attachment. Other optional locks include electric strikes,
magnetic locks, card readers, hydraulic closers,
keypad/pushbuttons, proximity locks, panic bars and
Double Sliding Doors
Full height double sliding doors are
designed to accommodate widths
from 6 to 10 feet, with overhead
clearance up to partition height
of 10 feet.
Also Available
Sliding doors without overhead track
above the door opening are available
by mounting casters to bottom leading
edge of the door.
Hinged Lock
Heavy duty hinge features
permanently installed pin
swaged at both ends for
added security.
All doors have a bronze
cylinder lock or a padlock
Latch Receiver &
Bottom Slam
Latch Receiver & Bottom
Slam mount directly onto
post for security and
Overhead Bracket
Bracket secures overhead
track for single or double
sliding doors.
4-Wheel Trolley
Trolley permits balanced
movement and smooth operation.
Door Guide
Door guide is lagged securely to floor
for continuous alignment.
Standard Door Lock Standard Door Lock
Key Operated -
5 pin mortise cylinder
Reverse side -
standard hex knob.
Key options:
• Keyed different - standard
• Keyed alike - optional
• Keyed different/master
   keyed - optional
Reverse side -
optional lever

Stock panels are manufactured in even widths of 1 ft -
10 ft and in heights of 1 ft. - 5 ft.. The panels are installed
stacking one panel over another using special welded
connectors on each panel. The horizontal connection
between panels is accomplished without bolting by over-
lapping the lower panel's upper framing channel with the
upper panel's attached overchannel.
Special tubular corner posts are fabricated from 14 gauge
steel. The length of the post will equal the overall height of
the assembled partitions. Slots are punched in the corner
posts to allow boltless installation. Other holes are
provided for use with doors which are attached using
self threading screws. Posts have pads welded to one
end for attachment to the floor.
Each panel is attached to tubular lines posts without
bolts using connectors accessible from the inside of
the enclosure only. Each panel has connectors welded
to the vertical framing members which engage slots
punched in the line posts.
2 1/2" square x 14 gauge posts are universally punched
with slots and holes for mounting all types of panels
and doors.
Doors are constructed of similar materials to match the
panels. Door frames are covered with rolled steel
channels where necessary.
Vertical and horizontal members are 1 1/4" x 5/8" x
14 gauge "c" channels with uniformly spaced holes for
inserting woven wire. Vertical and horizontal members
are mortised and tenoned at corners.
Each sliding door has (two) four wheel adjustable trolleys
traveling in an enclosed overhead track. The door bottom
is guided by a U-shaped floor guide.
Wire mesh is made of 10 gauge triple crimped wire and is
securely clinched into the vertical and horizontal frames.
Wire is woven into a 1 1/2" pattern with the wires
intersecting the channel frames at a 45 degree angle.
Each hinged door has 3 fixed butt hinges and a jamb bar.
Each door is shipped with a bronze cylinder lock. The
lock contains a 5-pin cylinder (1" standard) which may
be master-keyed and keyed alike.
A padlock attachment is also available.
There is a 3 1/2" sweep space between the bottom
horizontal bar and floor level.
Installations requiring heights up to 40' may be assembled
by stacking partitions. 2-1/2" square tubing posts are in-
stalled between the partitions to join them together from
floor to ceiling. A 2-1/2" x 7-1/2" pad is welded to the
post for lagging to the floor. Bracing against ceiling joists,
building columns or other means is required for installations
over 20'.
Panels, doors and line posts are painted with one coat of
high gloss machinery enamel. Some hardware items may
be zinc plated.
Hardware (including masonary lag bolts)
required for installation are included.
Installations in excess of 40 ft. in height and those where
overhead bracing is not possible may require special
1 1/2" x 11/16" x 14 gauge channel is attached to one
horizontal framing member of each panel. This channel
is attached using self tapping screws and the opening of
the channel faces out. These channels may be demounted
if necessary.
EZ Wire, Security Cages, Security Wire Partition, Welded Wire Partitions, Wire Mesh Cages, Wire Mesh Partition, Wire Partition,
Wire Partitions, Wire Security Cage, Wire Security Partitions, Woven Wire Partition, Woven Wire Partitions, and Woven Wire
Enclosure from your source for material handling equipment.

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