| |
'; document.commerce.PartNO.value = '90-111BL'; document.commerce.ItemNo.value = (Inv==null)? '90-111BL' : Inv.ItemCode; document.commerce.ProductUpload.value = false; document.commerce.ProductBasePrice.value = FinalBase; document.commerce.PageDisplay.value = 'PublicDisplayCartCOM'; document.commerce.AddToCart.value = 'TRUE'; if(noSubmit) { if(ie) { if(parseInt(version, 10) 1) if((QtyReq - minimum) % increment != 0) { if(GetTag('QtyAlert'))GetTag('QtyAlert').innerHTML = '(Qty must be an increment of ' + increment + ')'; } else { if(GetTag('QtyAlert'))GetTag('QtyAlert').innerHTML = ''; } if(cpack > 1 && priceDisplay == "FALSE") { GetTag('CPItemCount').innerHTML = QtyReq * cpack; } if(document.commerce.ProductQuantity == null) { QtyReq = 1; } else { QtyReq = parseInt(document.commerce.ProductQuantity.value, 10); } var Inv = GetInventoryEntry(ItemData1, 2005); if(Inv == null) { Inv = OnlyInv; if (typeof(Inv) != 'undefined') { sItemCode = Inv.ItemCode; } } var AddlPrice = 0; var AddOnce = 0 var myInt; var SelsSep = ''; var IDCombo = _sImageFile = ''; var Sels = GetTags('ProductProp2005') for(var i=0;i '; } else { GetTag('ProductDiscount').innerHTML = 'Your Price: ' + '$' + stRound(pb.getDiscountedPrice(139.95),2) + ' ea. '; } if(GetTag('ProductDiscount')) { GetTag('ProductDiscount').style.display = 'block'; } } else { if(GetTag('ProductDiscount')) { GetTag('ProductDiscount').style.display = 'none'; } } FinalPrice = Number(FinalPrice); var subTotal = isNaN(FinalPrice.toString()) ? 0 : (parseFloat(FinalPrice.toFixed(2)) * QtyReq) + AddOnce; PriceDiv.innerHTML = formatCurrency(subTotal); var InStock = 'YES'; var OutStock = 'NO'; //if there's an image for this inventroy item, use it above all else //no inventory Item for this product if (Inv == null) { ItemDiv.innerHTML='90-111BL'; if(_sImageFile.length > 0) GetTag('COMProdImage').src = _sImageFile; Div.innerHTML = InStock; if(eval("false")){ GetTag("inventory-notify").innerHTML = ''; GetTag("inventory-notify").style.display = 'none'; } return false; }else { if(Inv.Image.length > 0) _sImageFile = '/DSN/wwwslstoredisplayscom/Commerce/ItemImages/' + Inv.ItemID + '.jpg'; if(!Inv.Active) { Div.innerHTML = OutStock; //UpcDiv.innerHTML = Inv.UPC; ItemDiv.innerHTML = Inv.ItemCode; if(_sImageFile.length > 0) GetTag('COMProdImage').src = _sImageFile; return false; } } if(_sImageFile.length > 0) GetTag('COMProdImage').src = _sImageFile; var notifyMe; if(eval("false")){ notifyMe = 'Notify me when it\'s available!'; //SHOW INVENTORY MESSAGE AT ALL TIMES //GetTag("inventory-notify").innerHTML = notifyMe; //GetTag("inventory-notify").style.display = 'block'; //SHOW INVENTORY MESSAGE ONLY WHEN ITEM OUT OF STOCK if(Inv.QtyOnHand Inv.QtyOnHand)? InStock + ' (' + Inv.QtyOnHand.toString() +' in stock, the rest will be on backorder.)': InStock) : (QtyReq > Inv.QtyOnHand)?'' + OutStock + ' (Only ' + Inv.QtyOnHand + ' available) (Item will not be added to cart.)' : InStock; ItemDiv.innerHTML = Inv.ItemCode; //UpcDiv.innerHTML = Inv.UPC; updateCartItemAmount(oProd); } function ShowLarger() { if(_sPopUpImage.length > 0){ popImage(_sPopUpImage, 'Wire Mesh Tote Retail Store Shopping Baskets w/ Stand & Sign'); try{ window.setTimeout(imgWin.doTitle,1000); }catch(er){ } }else{ alert('This photo does not have a larger view.'); } } function callDoTitle(){ try{ imgWin.doTitle(); }catch(er){} } function GoVTSizer() { ModalWin('/content/0.htm?VSID=0&PName=Wire+Mesh+Tote+Retail+Store+Shopping+Baskets+w%2F+Stand+%26+Sign', 'VirtualSizer', 10, 10, 500, 600, true, false, false, false, false); } window.document.title = 'Wire Mesh Tote Retail Store Shopping Baskets w/ Stand & Sign | S&L Store Fixture' |