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(' + Inv.QtyOnHand.toString() +' in stock, the rest will be on backorder.)': InStock) : (QtyReq > Inv.QtyOnHand)?'' + OutStock + ' (Only ' + Inv.QtyOnHand + ' available)
(Item will not be added to cart.)
' : InStock; ItemDiv.innerHTML = Inv.ItemCode; //UpcDiv.innerHTML = Inv.UPC; updateCartItemAmount(oProd); } function ShowLarger() { if(_sPopUpImage.length > 0){ popImage(_sPopUpImage, 'Wire Mesh Tote Retail Store Shopping Baskets w/ Stand & Sign'); try{ window.setTimeout(imgWin.doTitle,1000); }catch(er){ } }else{ alert('This photo does not have a larger view.'); } } function callDoTitle(){ try{ imgWin.doTitle(); }catch(er){} } function GoVTSizer() { ModalWin('/content/0.htm?VSID=0&PName=Wire+Mesh+Tote+Retail+Store+Shopping+Baskets+w%2F+Stand+%26+Sign', 'VirtualSizer', 10, 10, 500, 600, true, false, false, false, false); } window.document.title = 'Wire Mesh Tote Retail Store Shopping Baskets w/ Stand & Sign | S&L Store Fixture'
S & L Store Fixture Loading...

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Wire Mesh Tote Retail Store Shopping Baskets w/ Stand & Sign

Price: $139.95
In Stock: YES

  • High quality coated mesh shopping basket for your store
  • Superior construction conveys quality to your customers
  • Measures 16" x 12" x 7" deep
  • Black color with Double Black vinyl grips.
  • Baskets stack easily by themselves or in our basket stand
FREE SHIPPING! on orders over $1,000

Free shipping offer only applies to business addresses in the continental U.S.A.
Residential addresses will incur an extra charge.
Slatwall Panels are not included in free shipping offer.

'); html.push('
'); html.push('
' + item.Name + '
'); html.push('
Item# ' + item.ItemCode + '
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Price: '); html.push(formatCurrency(item.Price,2) + '
'); html.push('
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Quantity: '); if(session.length == 0) { html.push(item.Quantity + '
'); html.push('' + formatCurrency(subtItem,2) + '
' ) }else { html.push(qtyJustAdded + '
Item Total: '); html.push('' + formatCurrency(recentaddedSubT,2) + '
' ) } html.push('
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Your cart is currently empty
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  • High quality coated mesh shopping basket for your store

  • Superior construction conveys quality to your customers

  • Measures 16" x 12" x 7" deep

  • Black color with Double Black vinyl grips.

  • Baskets stack easily by themselves or in our basket stand

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Item(s) added to your cart
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