PVC Coated Wire Mesh

Multi-purpose, green plastic coated wire mesh. 

Ideal for crop protection, lightweight fencing, tree guards, plant support and small animal enclosures such as rabbit runs and chicken coops.

Key info:

  • Smooth plastic surface
  • Weather & rust resistant
  • Blends with garden/natural environments
  • Lightweight & durable
  • Easy to unroll & install

Related: Chicken Wire Mesh, Welded Mesh, Chain Link

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Product Information: PVC Coated Wire Mesh 


Property Description
Material & Construction Steel coated in smooth protective PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
Resistance Weather & rot proof
Appearance Green with square holes
Handling Lightweight & malleable. Easy to cut & shape
Biodegradable No
Common uses
  • Small animal runs & enclosures
  • Tree guards
  • Plant support
  • Lightweight fencing
  • Fruit cages 


Attach to: How to:
Wooden Posts


Metal Posts

(Cable ties)


(Tensioning wire,
Eye bolts




(Cable ties)



Is plastic coated mesh a more effective finish than galvanised?
PVC coated and galvanised mesh both last for many years and are highly resistant to corrosion. Plastic covered mesh is often a preference for gardens and natural surroundings as it blends in better than metal galvanised mesh.

What are the advantages to PVC coating?
Polyvinyl Chloride offers high resistance to weathering and rust, making it ideal for outdoor use.

How should I attach the garden mesh to my fence posts?
If using wooden posts, you can opt for wooden screws fitted to the top, middle and bottom. Another option is a staple gun. Special ties or a drill will be needed if you have metal posts.

How far should I space out fence post holes?
Depending on available space, a sturdy fence requires an eight foot gap between each fence post.



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